Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Vibrating football shirts put fans in the action

Football fans will soon be able to ‘feel’ the game while watching the action, thanks to a new fan shirt loaded with wearable technology.

The Alert Shirt, developed by Sydney, Australia-based Wearable Experiments (We:eX), gives haptic feedback to its user, sending subtle vibrations to the user’s chest whenever a goal is scored, a card is shown or any other key event takes place during the game.

The technology is based on data from the match – which the shirt wearer is watching – being transmitted via a smartphone app to the electronics embedded within the shirt.

According to Billie Whitehouse, We:eX designer and director, the shirt will become the “fourth dimension of entertainment” by connecting fans to the players like never before.

“The Alert Shirt is completely unlike any other jersey in the sports market,” he says.

“Wearable technology must be intuitive and seamless within our daily lives, enhancing our life experience while connecting us to other people and the world at large.

"Our new product is a major first step in the right direction.”

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